Here's the most playful and fun part. Sometimes I spend minutes generating color schemes just for the sake of surprising myself with the combinations. There are various color generators, I have selected these.CoolorsParticularly fun to use,.
It allows not only to generate palettes but also to share the results Special Data obtained with other tools (for example, it is possible to share via the URL, in PDF, PNG, or even export the SCSS, SVG). To try!Text Generator…and finally there's us!Very Good GeneratorThis tool, developed many years ago, still remains a great classic , also demonstrated by the hundreds of users who use it every day. The tool allows you to create a text string of variable length to use as a placeholder in the development of graphic projects. Ours also has some more particularities, allowing us to generate, in addition to the classic lorem ipsum of Ciceronian memory, also the more practical supercazzola, in honor of the great Ugo Tognazzi.

A must for every UI designer. Whether you are an SEO consultant or a business owner interested in the world of web marketing for benchmarking purposes, you may find yourself needing to scrape the Google results page (the SERP), i.e. export everything that Big G offers the moment you submit a query to it. How to do? Read this simple guide!