These documents help ensure software understanding, traceability, and eliminate dependency on the original development team. They may be used for future reference by others who need to maintain, improve, or use the software. Schedule code review sessions , and certainly less expensive, at finding bugs than just testing. Reviews of all deliverables, code and documentation are something that should always be done.
These code review sessions, their management and the resolution of conflicts that may arise in them are done following a series of proven and good techniques. practices. Both peer review and expert third-party reviews are always us Senegal WhatsApp Number eful. Ensure software source control management The use of effective management of source code and documentation, so that they are controlled according to version, is essential to be able to maintain traceability and controlled rollback of the code if necessary. There is a lot of software available on the market for this type of tasks.

Quality control Quality control helps to carry out development projects without serious disruptions and more quickly. From detecting failures to establishing key metrics, best practices in this field have proven successful in determining whether a project is ready to move to a new phase or is ready to be launched or delivered to the public. client. Metrics and objectives must be set to ensure that requirements, design, code, testing and other tasks are coordinated and aligned. Effective installation and deployment On many occasions when we have already tested the software internally and everything is going well, suddenly the project fails at the client's house or when we are in the implementation and deployment phase.